Attractions Close to Bantry Aparthotel

Bantry Aparthotel is ideally located, allowing guests easy access to visit many of Cape Town’s major attractions.

Guests can enjoy many facilities and activities at the hotel in a relaxing setting.

Dining at the Bantry Aparthotel includes The Atlantic Restaurant which is situated on the first floor of the hotel with breathtaking sea views.

They serve a delicious buffet or hot breakfast and a variety of the chief finest dishes every morning.

The Freddies Bar and Garden Terrace is situated on the ground floor. The terrace and bar area boasts breathtaking views of the garden and a sparkling swimming pool.

This is a perfect venue to enjoy a light meal with a lovely cocktail or an award-winning wine.

The Hotel is ideally located close to many of Cape Town’s top attractions.

Guest can Hop on the City Sightseeing bus and explore the city, visit the famous V&A Waterfront and shop till you drop, nearby beaches offer the perfect location for sunbathing and many more.

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